HF Sinclair Community Investment: Funding information and application

Our corporate social responsibility efforts include targeted giving through financial and in-kind donations, grants, volunteerism or other support. Our corporate social responsibility efforts focus on critical areas that have a significant impact on our communities and include the following:
- Education/STEM - Organizations or programs that promote learning and intellectual development, primarily those focused on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
- Veterans’ Causes and Local Communities - Organizations that provide services to veterans’ causes in the local communities in which we operate and organizations or programming that support the safety and well-being of the communities where we operate.
- Environment - Organizations that work to preserve and protect the environment for the benefit of the public or other non-profits that support an environmental effort such as tree planting or preserving wetlands.
- Human Needs - Organizations or causes that support people in times of need.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Organizations that promote diversity, equity and inclusion (e.g. the Women in Energy Network).
HF Sinclair does not support organizations that fall into one or more of the following areas:
Individuals or commercial organizations; Religious organizations where the donation is used to promote a particular faith or belief (note: donations to religious organizations could be acceptable if the organization is undertaking charitable work, such as disaster relief, where receipt of aid is not conditional upon religious affiliation) or mission trips; Organizations that illegally discriminate in the allocation of their support according to race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or disability; Research projects such as books, research papers or articles in professional journals; Activities prohibited by law or regulation or that are deemed offensive or inappropriate; Activities considered an extension of parental duties; Professional or semi-professional sports teams; Individual pursuits or research; Fundraising activities not sanctioned by the charitable organization; Activities that contravene the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Global Anticorruption Policy or other Company policies.
Under no circumstances shall donations be made to improperly influence government officials or private individuals to act in favor of the Company. This is regardless of whether it is a charity of a government agency or one chosen by a government official as defined in the Company’s Global AntiCorruption Policy. Any donations to a political organization, political party or political event must be coordinated with the Director of Government Affairs.
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